Thursday, March 8, 2018

SOL #8: The Gum Connoisseur Part 2

Orbit really isn't the best brand. At least not when it come to mint. If you want real mint gum, get 5 Gum. It has good taste and a kind of sting in your mouth. I prefer flavored gum because there's already such a thing as normal mints. When it comes to flavored gum, there's two kinds. There's traditional flavored gum, and then there's the one-of-a-kind Hubba Bubba. Hubba Bubba is basically the world's longest stick of gum rolled into a circle. You unwrap that circle of gum and rip out your preferred length. The texture and taste of Hubba Bubba is in my opinion the best brand out there. The most common flavor is bubble gum but there's also other flavors like a berry mix and orange-y flavor.

Spicy gum is a whole new story. I haven't had any since my stay-over-at-my-grandparents'-house-on-four-day-weekends years. I remember Red Hot gum as just sticks of gum that bring a punch to your mouth. I'm not sure why it exists. We already fruity and berry mix flavors and mint gum. If you want something spicy and actually good then eat a bag of spicy chips or drink some hot sauce or something.

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