Thursday, March 15, 2018

SOL #15: Mrs. Navolio Vs. Mrs. Given

I think I speak for Lorin, Dylan, Lalli, and me when I say that Mrs. Navolio's math class is way better than Mrs. Given's. Last year, I had Ms. Given with Dylan and Lorin. I'll admit that I've learned in that class. My problem wasn't the lessons but the class itself. Mrs. Given was pretty strict. I mainly remember her making us show our work, something I'm not a big fan of. I'm pretty sure the point was to get the answer using math. It's not a big deal if I get the right answer and show enough but not all of my work, right? To Mrs. Given, it was. Basically almost every single equation or operation had to be written down.

Mrs. Navolio's class is way different. I have Lorin, Dylan, and Lalli in my calss. Mrs. Navolio knows that we go to STEM at Morton. After only one or two of the topics that she taught the class, she let us sit at our own cool kids table for some of quarter one, and all of quarter two. After that, two of us sit at one table with two other kids and the other two cool kids sit at another table with three other kids. Ever since sometime around the beginning of quarter two, we only had the main objective of doing everything in Summit. Basically, we do self-paced lessons on a bunch of 8th grade topics. I, Lorin, and Dylan finished all the main lessons (I'm not sure if Lalli finished too.) Now we get to do work for other classes or read. My favorite way to spend my free time in this class is just turn on some music and think about life while I read or do a slice of life.

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