Thursday, May 4, 2017

Tuesdays with Morrie Final Seminar Reflection

We talked about what Morrie had said about certain topics during the past four seminars. Talking about them in-depth reminded me of Morrie's advice and inspired my life and my view on it to be better. Death was a topic brought up commonly, probably because the book centered on life and what to do when you're alive.

I noticed that I make connections to other pieces of literature or movies during seminars. I also try to use the questions I have prepared in case the Seminar needs a new discussion. A goal I had for the second seminars was to write down what I'd say if someone cut me off or added something else. I would've done this to avoid forgetting anything but instead of writing down, I held on to something. For example, when I was going to make a connection to a book, I held on to it so I wouldn't forget what to say.

I noticed that there were many short moments where nobody had anything to say in the third seminar. We'd have a small discussion on a topic until nobody had anything to say which didn't take long. I think this happened because we didn't think of different things to share. A group goal I thought of to prevent this was to adapt to the topics and/or to include a variety of topics in our guides.

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