Tuesday, February 13, 2018



I saw "Sold" and thought that that book could be useful in a spine poem. I kept that in mind when I was looking for other titles. When I saw "The Hobbit," I was thinking that my poem could be about the hobbit or somebody else selling something. I thought about "An Abundance of Katherines" and picked the last two books to add on to the poem.

My spine poem isn't about an actual hobbit but maybe somebody being called or compared to one. This "hobbit" is selling actual Katherines or slaves at nighttime. Including "Among The Enemy" suggests that this human trafficking is taking place in a dangerous enemy territory or someplace where human trafficking is illegal. The poem mainly just tells a story of a monster selling slaves.

I commented on Maddie's, Emily's, and Jasmine's blogs.


  1. Nice poem, has a deepmeaning and it’s pretty creative.

  2. This has a really deep meaning, with all of your books/words found and used nicely. Good work!

  3. Wow. That’s dark, but quite well written.
