Friday, October 21, 2016

A Letter to Lady Fortunado

     Lady Fortunato,
In the chaotic celebrations and mayhem of the carnival, I encounter my good friend Montresor. Surely you remember him when we discussed wine and Italian arts. Sadly, Montresor isn't who he was before and has revealed that side of him tonight. He has lured me into a trap, using my knowledge and love for wine. I regret to inform you that I may spend my last days in this miserable chasm.

To start, I met Montresor in the carnival parties near his palazzo. He told me that he got a pipe of what seemed as amontillado. Being the best there is in wine, I decided to accompany Montresor and help him. There are times when the great must help the lowliest and besides, wine was my specialty. Montresor couldn't stop mentioning Luchesi but what did he know that I didn't? We went into the Montresor catacombs and drank Medoc before checking the pipe. I do remember Montresor being very kind and hospitable but apart from that and being eager to check the amontillado, I can't remember anything else. I must've drunk from all the Medoc.

I walked with Montresor through the catacombs into a room. All I tried to do was find the wine, but as I came back to my senses, I realized that I was stuck with nitre and was chained up. I looked around and saw Montresor finish what looked like to twelfth or thirteenth tier of stone and mortar. He led me into a trap and left me to die in the last place someone would look for me. If you find this letter, I may already be dead, indirectly killed by Montresor.

Your unfortunate husband, Fortunado

I commented on Vince B's, Sophie M's, and Jack S's blogs.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the wording! It was very reminiscent of Fortunato. Good job!
